In The News: The Evolution of Business Travel

Suzanne Sangiovese, Director of Travel and Technology at Riskline, explains how AI and travel risk intelligence are shaping the future of business travel.
Riskline in ITIJ February, how AI affects travel

The February 2024 edition of the International Travel & Health Insurance Journal (ITIJ), covers vital topics concerning the travel industry. In this edition, Riskline’s Director of Travel and Technology, Suzanne Sangiovese discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) and travel risk intelligence are influencing business travel in the future. Suzanne mentions ‘the deployment of AI in travel risk intelligence exemplifies a commitment to duty of care.’

In the era of digital transformation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a cornerstone of corporate strategy, including in the realm of business travel. With the dynamic nature of our world, gripped by political, health, and environmental crises, businesses are increasingly dependent on robust Travel Risk Intelligence (TRI) and management tools. As they strive for continuity amidst volatility, the integration of sophisticated AI and automation technologies is reshaping the approach to travel risk management, offering more effective ways to navigate uncertainties without incurring unforeseen costs or delays.

Read the full article here to find out about how AI affects travel.

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