Riskline was featured in Touristica International, where the Canadian, French speaking magazine discusses the recent partnership announcement between Riskline and Travlr ID. The magazine reads ‘En combinant leurs capacités avec l’intelligence de Riskline, la nouvelle solution proposera des plans de voyage et d’assurance personnalisés basés sur les profils de risque et les destinations individuels.’ The English translation is ‘By combining their [Travlr ID] capabilities with Riskline intelligence the new solution will offer personalized travel and insurance plans based on individual risk profiles and destinations.’
The magazine further states ‘La technologie permet aux utilisateurs d’avoir un contrôle total sur leurs données et de décider quels fournisseurs peuvent accéder à leurs informations.’ This translates to ‘The technology will allow users to have full control of their data and decide which providers can access their information.’
Read the full article on page 5 of the magazine here.
Also, read Riskline’s June Travel Outlook: LGBTQ travel guide 2024 with LGBTQ travel safety map!
Photo credits: Touristica International